
Katy (Feb 2015)
Katy (Feb 2015)

My name is Katy and I am a student at Southampton Solent University studying Photojournalism. This blog has been created in line with one of my course assessments, however I intend to keep this going long past my studies.

I have a busy lifestyle, mixing work, studies, and photography, along with cooking and online gaming in my free time.

In April 2014 I was told by my doctors I was likely to have Coeliac’s Disease, an autoimmune disease that means my body cannot handle gluten containing grains such as wheat, barley and rye. I couldn’t have a full biopsy to confirm at the time it as I had not long suffered a bleed after surgery when my tonsils were removed. That is to come in 2015.

This blog is to document the immense changes that have had to happen in order to heal my body again, to educate people who do not know what Coeliac’s is, share tasty recipes and helpful ideas for anyone to try out, and to also help other sufferers find safe places to eat and shop in and around Southampton.

What is Coeliac Disease?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition in where the body’s immune system mistakes substances that make up gluten as a threat and attacks it, causing subsequent damage to the intestines. No one yet knows why the body does this, but for some, it does.

The difference between  healthy Villi and a Coeliac sufferers Villi
The difference between healthy Villi and a Coeliac sufferers Villi

Along the surface of the intestines are little “wriggly” things called Villi. They help absorb nutrients into the body, however with a Coeliac sufferer, these villi are worn away. Without them, the body cannot absorb valuable nutrients, and in turn, makes the person ill.

Symptoms of Coeliac sufferers can vary from person to person, but for most, they are

  • bloating and stomach pains
  • weight loss
  • tiredness and general lack of energy
  • issues with going to the toilet
  • foggy head

Switching to a Gluten free diet is currently the only way to manage this condition. There is currently no cure for Coeliacs, nor is there any way of having gluten products again without leading to complications. It takes around 6 months for the Villi to be restored, however, sufferers will have to continue with a Gluten-Free lifestyle in order to remain healthy.

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